Happy Birthday to Us! - Pinnacle&Co. Ltd.

Happy Birthday to Us!

As you already know, we love a good celebration! Whether it’s the big wins or a small success, we’re right behind them, and this month we’re celebrating a biggie!

27 years ago, on 12 December 1997, Phillippa opened Pinnacle&Co’s first bank account and applied for an IRD number. A business was born! Over the years, we’ve seen it all. We’ve learnt, we’ve adapted, we’ve thrived, we’ve survived, we’ve stayed ahead of the curve, and we’ve made it to today. In fact, we’ve more than made it. We’ve had a great time along the way, and we can see a bright future ahead!

Thank You

Every year, no matter what day of the week it falls, we celebrate Pinnacle’s birthday on 12 December. However, without our amazing clients, none of this would be possible. We want to thank you for your support, for believing in us, for using our formula and for joining us on the ride. It’s been a great 27 years, and here’s to many more!

In particular, thank you for 2024. We’ve seen businesses grow, we’ve welcomed new businesses into the fold, and we’ve flourished together. We hope you all have something special lined up for Christmas – you deserve it!

Kicking Up Your Heels

Since our last blog, have you thought about your next work celebration? Sure, ours has been momentous this month, but what are your wins, big or small, and how are you recognising them?

Strive to Thrive in ’25 with our New Packages

Looking ahead to 2025, our new packages are online. Check them out and we can catch up soon to review your current plan, ensuring you’re always getting the best creative marketing solutions for your business.