Is there such a thing as the perfect website? We think so. Obviously, different businesses will require different things from their site, depending on whether they are trying to showcase information, sell a product, or provide a service. Regardless of its purpose, however, there are three main aspects to consider when you are creating a new website: design, content, and programming.
We get that design can be a personal thing, but there are tried and true formulas for modern websites, and deviating from these won’t win you more customers. Every page on your site, from the Home page to the Contact page, needs to be clear, clean, and easy to navigate, and each page should contain plenty of white space. Cluttered web pages are irritating to look at and make it hard for visitors to find what they’re looking for.
Your website should also contain compelling calls to action – and plenty of them – along with multiple ways to get in touch. The layout should be coherent and consistent, with no dead ends, and these days it’s really important that your site is optimised for mobile use (this will help to improve your SEO rankings). On that note, you need to make it as easy as possible for people to share your content. Sharing really is caring in website world.
If you’re going to the expense of investing in a professional photographer – and we strongly recommend that you do – its vital that your images are backed up by professional written content. People notice bad writing, even those who aren’t of a literary bent, and they will be put off by poor wording, incorrect spelling, and grammatical errors. Written content should also be clear and coherent. Explain your ‘why’, don’t ramble, and save the fancy freestyle writing for your blog pages.
Fresh is best
We can’t stipulate it enough people, fresh content is king! A lack of consistent, fresh content means you will start dropping down the ranks on Google, eventually finding your bespoke organic butchery languishing on the 18th search page, smack bang between Jeff’s Home kill and Big Bettie’s Backyard Abattoir.
Your keywords aren’t set in stone
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) deserves an entire blog to itself, suffice to say that if you’re not ranked highly on Google, then you won’t appear on the first page in an internet search. Keywords are fluid and everchanging, and you’ll need to constantly monitor the most common words that searchers are using with a specialised SEO tool and work to include them in your page titles, URLs, Meta descriptions, headings and content.
A word of warning though, don’t go overboard on your keywords! Stuffing as many as you can into your site, to the point where it interferes with the quality of the writing, will be swiftly punished by the Google gods with a drop in ranking. SEO is a continuous balancing act that can eat up a good deal of your time, and that’s where the team at Pinnacle&Co comes in.
Programming is paramount
A custom website will allow us to continually monitor and update your site, and if metaphors are your thing, it could be likened to driving down a main highway in order to go wherever you want, as opposed to accidentally turning into a deadend road and going no further. Buying your website from a template off the internet means it will always be difficult to add content and plug-ins, and this will really start to bite as your site ages.
Here at Pinnacle&Co our clients are many and varied. We have multimillion-dollar business customers who need to look professional and have a presence, but are perfectly content with a basic MiniWeb that doesn’t contain any kind of content management system. The next step up is a customised RocketWeb site, which is in our humble opinion, mandatory if you have any kind of competition, and beyond that, the sky is the limit.
Phillippa Jacobs-Lory, CEO of Pinnacle&Co, firmly believes that we offer the best programming in Christchurch. She regularly gets asked by clients to sort out the back end of sites that they’ve purchased elsewhere, but ofcourse as she points out, ‘people don’t know what they don’t know. You can’t compare quotes until you understand the technology. Our sites are flexible, and we can change them as much as we like, so our clients are always happy’.
If your website needs a little zhoozhing or you’re in the market to start from scratch and build a new site from the ground up, give the team at Pinnacle&Co a call on 03 3770350 or email us at, and make an appointment to come in and have a chat. We promise you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.